Why Hygienists Find Me

Over the years, through lecturing, speaking and training, I’ve had the opportunity to meet hundreds of hygienists. They’ve all been very interested in what myofunctional therapy can offer them.

I’ve discovered that I can categorize their interest in myofunctional therapy into what I call “The Three B’s”. These are:


Many hygienists are in search of something they feel is missing from their career. They feel stuck, and possibly even drained by their patients, co-workers or employers. Some even feel unsatisfied with the profession as a whole, because they’re not able to provide the patient care they imagined they would as students in hygiene school.

These hygienists long to find meaning again from the profession they once loved. Myofunctional therapy gives them the opportunity to break new ground, or even to open their own practice.  


Anyone who’s worked as a hygienist knows that we’ll all eventually experience back, neck, wrist and other aches and pains. It’s something we’ve learned to accept. We knew this heading into the profession but until pain on the job becomes a daily struggle, it’s hard to grasp the full impact this can have on your career.

Some hygienists find me because they really need to give their bodies a break. Myofunctional therapy is easy on the body, and provides career options to reduce your number of days per week as a hygienist.


Have you ever heard the expression “Follow your bliss”? Some hygienists love their jobs and simply want a new skill to make the career they cherish even more exciting. These hygienists want to take their skill set to the next level, but not necessarily start a new career. They’re on top of their game and want to stay there.

These hygienists are in search of a way to keep their minds and skills sharp. Myofunctional therapy intrigues and inspires them to know more, and do more for their patients. A business isn’t for them but being on the cutting edge, and having a unique new skill is.